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- What is QbTest?
QbTest is a computer-based test that combines a test of attention ability with a movement analysis based on an infrared measurement system. Test results are assembled into a report and compared with norm data from other people of the same sex and age. This way you can see how you react when you concentrate on a task in comparison with people who do not have ADHD.
- How should QbTest be used?
Assessing ADHD may be complicated and there is no single clinical tool that is able to give you all the answers. The QbTest provides objective data that together with other inforĀmation will help your clinician assess you for ADHD.
QbTest also provides a valuable baseline measurement that can help to evaluate any future changes in your activity, attention and impulsivity.
- How is a QbTest performed?
The test is performed in front of a computer screen. The test equipment consists of an infrared camera, a head-band with an infrared marker attached to it and a responder button
During the test a number of symbols are shown on the computer screen. The task is to push the responder button when a certain symbol appears on the screen. The test takes 15 minutes to complete and is not dependent on your language, reading or mathematic skills.
- What do the results look like?
The QbTest reports below show the results from a seven year old boy with ADHD. The two graphs at the upper part of the reports show activity level and the third graph shows attention and impulsivity control. The green circles represent correct presses and the red squares represent incorrect presses. The vertical position of the symbols show the reaction time. At the bottom of the report all test results are summarized as numerical values.